Home Timeline Harberton history
The following picture galleries take the form of "thumbnail" collections, with textual comment in part, which allow you to select those images you wish to download individually and view in full screen .
1977 Jubilee Silent Film Discovery for
Harberton Parish
A super-8 reel of film capturing Harberton and Harbertonford Silver Jubilee
celebrations of 1977 was found within the depths of the Parish Clerk's archive.
Now digitised, the 17 minute film has been uploaded to YouTube for open viewing
and the Parish Clerk hopes to arrange some public screenings for those who
aren't able to access the footage online. Who broke the window during the
cricket match? Who was the little boy who wasn't overly impressed at being
dressed up? Who was the lady in the Union Jack knickers? Follow this link to
watching the footage
There were no notes found with the reel, so if anyone has any information about
who might have shot the film or indeed recognise anyone that appears, please let
the Parish Clerk know by emailing
clerk@harbertonparishcouncil.org or alternatively via YouTube comments.
Happy viewing!
Old Harberton Walkabout - a
gallery of over 100 images (many old postcards, photographs etc.) of the village
dating back 100 or more years
Walkabout replacement test gallery
(incomplete, work in progress)
2020 12th September Aerial Photos of Harberton
Christmas Eve 2019 Carols Around The Tree
2018 28th November Christmas Tree Festival in St Andrew's Church
2018 Thursday 1st March - YouTube video - Tristford Reservoir road blocked by snowdrifts caused by the 'Beast from the East'.
2017 Show of Hands concert, Saturday 30th September in St Andrew's Church
An Old Postcard Tale - 3 postcards from the 'village website archive' collection, sent by the same person over 100 years ago, with an interesting message-writing technique
1977 Jubilee Album - a selection of the images showing mainly some of the village properties - interesting to compare with today in some cases
Church House Inn - a historical gallery
2012 Harberton Photo Competition (during Strawberry Fair)
2012 £46,155 Lottery grant cheque presentation to Harberton Cricket Club by then local MP Sarah Wollaston
2011 Harberton Photo Competition (during Strawberry Fair)
2010 18th December - A rare sight, Harberton in the snow, a panorama image
stitched together by John Palmer. Click the thumbnail to see the full 4719 pixel
wide image (1.7MB).
2010 Harberton Ladies vs. Harberton Gentlemen Cricket Match 2nd June
2009 Parish Hall floor replacement following flood damage
2008 Harberton Ladies vs. Harberton Gentlemen Cricket Match 10th August
2007 mini flood - Dec 8th 2007, water running into east of Harberton from above Totnes-Kingsbridge road
2007 Flower Festival - Harberton's "Autumn Glory" festival in St Andrew's Church, September 14-17
Playing Field & street parties
Old Playing Field - The old fort and other old
playing field pictures
1995/1996 extension/levelling of Playing
village events - Nov 5th Bonfires, May Days, VE Day, Pancake Race
2002 Golden Jubilee - Queen Elizabeth II's
Children's Party on the Playing Field and Street Party
2006 360° View from St Andrew's Church Tower
2006 Harberton Ladies vs. Harberton Gentlemen Cricket Match 3rd September
2006 A Walk Down Watery Lane - 17th August 2006 during repair work on the green lane, carried out under the 'Life into Landscape' scheme - see www.southdevonaonb.org.uk/our-work/completed-projects/life-into-landscape - a joint initiative led by South Hams District Council with the support of Devon County Council, with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.
2005 anatomy of a flood - nearly! Nov 6th 2005
1995/1996 construction of Harberton Parish Hall
1979-1991 Harberton youth - Various play group / youth club images (listing names)
1946 aerial imagery of Devon
For those interested in historical mapping and imagery, see the 'Know Your
Place' website
www.kypwest.org.uk and specifically the Devon section thereof (the link
goes to
https://maps.bristol.gov.uk/kyp/?edition=devon) where you can use the
Search icon at top left of the window to enter a postcode for example and
choose from the 'Basemaps' which two you would like to view in a split-screen
comparison. (Zoom in/out with your mouse wheel.)
On a personal note I've found the 1880 First Series OS, the 1840 Tithe Map and
the 1946 Aerial Imagery of particular interest.
1880-ish Elijah Yeoman photographs - Six pictures taken in and around Harberton in about 1880
Information and pictures from former village residents - mostly from incoming contacts to the website
Miscellaneous - Miscellaneous pictures not yet in their own categories
Take a look at these - Miscellaneous interesting pictures submitted by Harberton residents