The first version of this picture gallery below dates from the early days of this website. The quantity of material now available has however outgrown this method of presentation and a new method is being tried. Click here to see a test of the new presentation.
Much work remains to be done, adding further links, other related pictures, informational text, (local) postmark dating / interesting messages on some of the postcards etc. A timeline and dating information relating to certain buildings and events in Harberton over the last 100 years is available to help you pick out detail in the images. Please Contact us for any suggestions etc.
Take a walk around Harberton following this picture gallery consisting mostly of postcards up to 100 years or so old. This picture gallery has been made possible thanks to the goodwill and generosity of the collectors who are willing to share the hard work represented in their collections with everyone. The originals have been scanned and archived at a high resolution. Most of the images underlying the following thumbnails either will scale automatically to fill the width (or height for portrait format) of your screen, or have a fixed width of 1000 pixels or fixed height of 800 pixels . A fairly low display resolution has been chosen here to give reasonable download times (15 to 25 seconds with a 56K modem) whilst maintaining reasonable definition but with possible slight colour distortion. The low resolution will intentionally not allow a quality printout to be made; quality printouts may be made from the high-resolution originals, by arrangement with the collection owner, who can be contacted through the
This gallery aims to be as complete a collection as possible of the available material. At certain points, therefore, sub-pages containing further similar images (e.g. different postcard issues of the same picture, perhaps with different labelling or framing, or similar photos) are presented. At present, over 80 "different" postcards are known and shown in the following, plus an ever increasing number of photos.
Click a thumbnail for enlarged view and background information
(Please wait a few seconds for 60-plus thumbnails
to load)