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Church House Inn

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Continuing east along Fore Street brings you to the fine setting of the Square with the 12th century Church House Inn, post-1897 (clock on church), and that must be the class from the school just up behind the pub. St. Andrews Church behind.

chi2_lh02.jpg (128295 bytes) Church House Inn post-1897
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The village outing leaves from outside the pub on 14th August 1906

chi4_mh07.jpg (65208 bytes) The same event, but three teams visible in this picture (courtesy of Dartington Rural Archive)
chi5_lh03.jpg (115964 bytes) Post-1948, because in that year there was a fire at the pub and the second chimney at front centre was removed.
chi6_lh04.jpg (111102 bytes) This shot taken from the old bar hatch, looking towards the double doors, single front door visible beyond. The wall with the leaded light is no longer there. On right, slightly different framing.

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chi8_ms15.jpg (118791 bytes) For those that know the Church House Inn, this photo is taken from by the piano/double doors. The bar hatch was at the front of the building. The area occupied by the present-day bar was then 3 separate rooms.