Harberton Folk

Folk & music links for South Devon (and beyond)

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South(ern) Devon

Location Venue Website / Description
Information service Devon Folk (incl. Diary) www.devonfolk.org County-wide folk diary listings, folk song/dance club contacts etc. from Devon Folk Committee
Information service Devon Folk Directory www.devonfolkdirectory.org Find speakers, performers, workshop leaders, tutors, display teams and much more on all folk activities in Devon.
Ashburton Ashburton Arts www.ashburtonarts.org.uk A former chapel, now a multi-genre venue
Brixham Brixham Theatre www.brixhamtheatre.uk Occasional folk events
Cabaret Voltaire Events various www.cabaretvoltaireevents.com Occasional 'cultural events' (including folk) at various venues from Dorset to Cornwall (including Totnes)
Calstock Calstock Arts www.calstockarts.org A former chapel, now a community venue with a mixed event programme including occasional folk. See www.wegottickets.com/calstockarts for event details if main website problematic.
Calstock Calstock Hall www.calstockhall.com (email admin@calstockhall.com) Community venue with a mixed event programme including occasional folk
Crediton Crediton Arts Centre www.creditonartscentre.org Occasional folk events
Dartington Dartington Trust www.dartington.org/whats-on Occasional major folk events in the spectacular setting of the 250 (?) seat Dartington Great Hall, near Totnes
Dartmouth The Flavel www.theflavel.org.uk Dartmouth's Arts Centre, occasional folk events (180 seats, 159 on rake, rest loose in front)
Denbury St Mary's Church Occasional Sunday afternoon folk concerts. No events website. Contact details will appear in individual Diary entries.
Exeter Barnfield Theatre www.barnfieldtheatre.org.uk Another Exeter venue catering for wide ranging tastes, including occasional folk events (289 seats)
Exeter Corn Exchange www.exeter.gov.uk/cornexchange/index.aspx?articleid=13927 Formerly St George's Hall - Central Exeter venue (500 seats or standing), with a 200+-seat rake
Exeter Cygnet Theatre www.cygnettheatre.co.uk Occasional folk events. sometimes in collaboration with Wren Muusic
Exeter Phoenix Arts Centre www.exeterphoenix.org.uk Wide range of musical events, including top folk acts (approx. 325 seats, 450 standing)
Exmouth Exmouth Pavilion www.exmouthpavilion.co.uk/whats-on Occasional folk events; 500+ seat venue in East Devon
Honiton Beehive Arts Centre www.beehivehoniton.co.uk Arts centre with a wide and expending range of quality arts events including folk (concerts and less formal events).
Ivybridge The Watermark www.ivybridgewatermark.co.uk Arts Centre in Ivybridge, occasional folk events, close to the A38 between Exeter and Plymouth (200 seats)
Folk on the Moor Club

See 'Wotter' entry below

Kingsbridge The Old Warehouse www.theoldwarehousekingsbridge.co.uk Every Folkin' Tuesday and other (mostly free) music events

Liskeard (across the Tamar)

The Rum Store www.carnglaze.com Interesting underground venue in old slate workings (Carnglaze Caverns) just beyond Liskeard, offering occasional folk events (400-450 seats, 45 miles from Totnes) - Yes, I know it's Cornwall, not Devon
Lympstone Village Hall www.lympstone-entertainments.net Occasional events, including some folk
Newton Abbot various www.wegottickets.com/worldunlimited Very occasional music events
Otterton, nr Budleigh Salterton Otterton Mill www.ottertonmill.com Mill complex with shop, restaurant and garden. Outdoor music summer in courtyard No music during winter
Paignton Palace Theatre www.palacetheatrepaignton.co.uk 368 seats, mixed programme, some folk
Plymouth B-Bar www.barbicantheatre.co.uk/whats-on At the Barbican Theatre in Plymouth
Plymouth Plymouth Pavilions www.plymouthpavilions.com Range of large-scale musical events - no folk normally, but very occasional major folk events
Seaton Gateway Theatre www.thegatewayseaton.co.uk Nothing currently scheduled (240121) Occasional folk events?
South Hams Shamstrad www.shamstrad.co.uk Details of regular free concerts in Kingsbridge and various regular sessions in the South Hams
South Tawton Church House Concerts www.liveandacoustic.co.uk Wonderful intimate 50-seat venue in the beautifully restored church house (not a pub)
Tavistock The Wharf www.tavistockwharf.com Occasional folk events
Teignmouth Pavilions Teignmouth www.pavilionsteignmouth.org.uk Occasional folk events
Topsham nr Exeter Topsham Folk Club www.topshamfolkclub.org Another thriving folk club with regular guest nights
Torquay Princess Theatre www.atgtickets.com/venues/princess-theatre-torquay Occasional major folk events
Totnes Barrel House Ballroom www.barrelhousetotnes.co.uk Varied programme of events, with a strong focus on original live music, featuring a strong line-up of both local and international acts.
Totnes Cabaret Voltaire Events www.cabaretvoltaireevents.com Occasional folk events in St Mary's Church Totnes (and other SW venues including Bodmin)
Wren Music Wren Music www.wrenmusic.co.uk Devon’s specialist folk and community arts development organisation, based in Okehampton
Widecombe in the Moor Widecombe Sailing Club www.widecombesailingclub.org.uk Nothing currently scheduled (240121) Folk music events at St Pancras Church

Folk on the Moor Club

www.moorfolk.co.uk Providing a fine programme of traditional folk evenings on Sundays at the Moorland Hotel, Wotter, Plymouth PL7 5HP (map)

Villages In Action Villages In Action www.villagesinaction.co.uk Scheme covering several of the district council areas in Devon which helps bring quality professional performances including some folk events and participatory workshops at affordable prices to communities through a network of local promoters

Latest events in SW

www.wegottickets.com/searchresults/region/2/latest A current listing of all 'new' events of all genres in the South-West listed on the ticketing agency's website, usually including some folk
Exeter Barnfield Music Club www.barnfieldmusicclub.co.uk Open Mic Club Night currently held on the first Friday of every month at the Cafe Hub, Heavitree Park, Whipton Lane, Heavitree EX1 3DS
commencing at 7.00pm (Formerly at the Barnfield Theatre, venue currently - at 4/22 - under review)
Torbay (South) Maggie Duffy www.maggieduffy.co.uk Maggie Duffy, formerly promoting concerts in Brixham/Churston/Galmpton area
Information service Bonny Green www.bonnygreen.uk Folk dance band(s) and caller / folk music and song (Exeter based), publications, tuition and instruction
Information service South Hams Traditional Music www.shamstrad.co.uk Details of what's happening folkwise in the southern South Hams
Information service Devon Village Halls www.devonvillagehalls.co.uk Descriptions of and contact details for many of these community facilities across the county of Devon
South Devon Dartington Morris www.dartingtonmorris.uk (OK, I admit personal bias here!) Dancing programme and much more - a mixed side, dancing mostly Cotswold style morris
A Muddle Of Morris Global Morris Map https://amuddleofmorris.wordpress.com/2017/03/29/a-morris-map. A global map of morris dancing teams

What's On in South Brent: current (PDF) version of email circular:
'Folk music near Totnes' [240106] (website listings): www.datathistle.com/events/music/folk/location:Totnes(50.4322,-3.6839)
Wegottickets.com latest events for SW England: www.wegottickets.com/searchresults/region/2/latest
Other Media: Folklife West
Folklife West print magazine, May, copied online, free.
www.folklife-traditions.uk/this-issue.html: articles (free PDF).
www.folklife.uk/south-west.html: folk news (Folklife West-Country members); Folk Directory listings (open to all to send).
www.folklife.uk/updates.html: Updates and free emailed Newsletter - 'Opt In' to sam@folklife.uk: name, organisation, region: South-West
French dance & music in Devon:
d'Accord in Exeter - French & Breton Music & Dance Group, see www.facebook.com/groups/149787688758876, email daccordinexeter@gmail.com..
See also www.frenchdancedevon.wordpress.com.


...and beyond

Artsreach www.artsreach.co.uk Arts development agency for Dorset (like Villages in Action in Devon)
Carn to Cove Cornwall’s performing arts touring scheme, bringing quality professional artists into rural areas, part of Cornwall Arts Centre Trust ACT
Take Art! Arts development agency for Somerset (like Villages in Action in Devon)
Folk in Somerset & Dorset SADFOLK - site giving access to regular emailed information about folk events across Somerset and Dorset

UK folk music map

www.folkmusicmap.wordpress.com Map showing folk clubs (and some sessions) in the UK
UK Folk Music www.ukfolkmusic.uk Folk music website
Martin Nail's list www.englishfolkinfo.org.uk (linked updated 15/1/11) English folk and traditional music on the Internet - A guide to resources - well worth a look
Plough Arts Centre www.theploughartscentre.org.uk Great Torrington, N Devon
BeafordArts Operating a rural touring scheme with some folk events in the north of Devon

Folk in Cornwall

What it says on the tin www.folkincornwall.co.uk - clubs, sessions, events...

Open mics and sessions in Cornwall www.facebook.com/groups/openmiccornwall Here you will also find weekly(?) updates for 'Folk Sessions, Dance, Concerts & Open Mics CORNWALL' by Toebrt Snrub
Bodmin Folk Club www.bodminfolk.co.uk Excellent club west of the Tamar meeting Fridays, regular top guests
Milverton Music Club Regular monthly club with guest nights, west of Taunton
Culm Valley Music & Performance Club www.culmvalleymusicclub.co.uk Magelake Hall, Uffculme EX15 3DR. Close to M5 Jct 27.
Halsway Manor Halsway Manor Folk Music Centre, Crowcombe, off A358 between Taunton and Minehead
Artsreach Arts development agency for rural Dorset (like Villages in Action in South Devon)
Folk South West Folk arts development agency for the South West Arts region, running various workshops and projects
Mr Red's Mid West Venue lists, dance dates & festivals in Gloucestershire and adjacent counties
SCOFF South Counties Folk Federation - a wealth of information about folk clubs and much more across southern England
EFDSS English Folk Dance and Song Society
The Music Well An online resource for folk music: songs tunes and stories, ancient and modern, from all the British islands, with an extensive billboard and new releases section (formerly called Radio Britfolk)


www.webfeet.org National ceilidh listings

Set and Turn Single www.setandturnsingle.org.uk The listing magazine for folk dancers
www.musicevents.co.uk Listings of Devon based artists and venues for various musical genres
Folklore & Mythology Resource Guide www.supersummary.com/folklore-mythology-guide What it says on the tin
www.musicevents.co.uk Listings of Devon based artists and venues for various musical genres


Other South-West Venues with some Folk Events

North Devon  
Landmark Theatre www.northdevontheatres.org.uk Ilfracombe (483 seats)
Plough Arts Centre www.theploughartscentre.org.uk Great Torrington (132 raked seats plus 100 chairs)
Queen's Theatre www.northdevontheatres.org.uk Barnstaple (688 seats)
Acorn Arts Centre www.theacornpenzance.com Penzance (150 seats approx.)
Princess Pavilion www.carrickleisureservices.org.uk Falmouth (87 miles from Totnes)
The Rum Store www.carnglaze.com Interesting underground venue in old slate workings (Carnglaze Caverns) near Liskeard, offering occasional folk events (400-450 seats, 45 miles from Totnes)
Sterts Theatre www.sterts.co.uk Upton Cross, Liskeard (400+ seats, 43 miles from Totnes) Covered outdoor venue. Possibly take a cushion, and a blanket for cool summer evenings. Performances finish by 10pm due to location. Theatre about to rebuild (240121); no events currently scheduled
The Brewhouse www.thebrewhouse.net Taunton - theatre and arts centre (354 seats)
Bridgwater Arts Centre www.bridgwaterartscentre.co.uk Bridgwater - includes regular folk events (66 miles from Totnes)
Cheese and Grain www.cheeseandgrain.co.uk Frome - occasional major folk events (101 miles from Totnes)
Merlin Theatre www.merlintheatre.co.uk Frome - various interesting arts events
David Hall Arts Centre www.thedavidhall.org.uk South Petherton 01460 240340, programme includes regular folk events (71 miles from Totnes). See also www.sadfolk.co.uk for events at David Hall
Octagon Theatre www.octagon-theatre.co.uk Yeovil
Electric Palace, Bridport www.electricpalace.org.uk Bridport: (400 seated incl. balcony; 500+ standing) Former cinema; mixed arts programme including big folk names
Bridport Arts Centre www.bridport-arts.com Bridport: 70 miles from Totnes
Marine Theatre www.marinetheatre.com Lyme Regis: 50 miles from Totnes


West Country festivals

While some of the following information may be out of date at the time of reading, the links should at least give a point of contact. Folk content ranges from 100% to minimal. Chronological order. No current information found for entries not in bold.

27 April 2024 - Green Man Festival Bovey Tracey, mainly morris dancing

3-5 May 2025 - Brixham Pirate Festival
Pirates, shanties and more www.brixhampiratesfestival.com.

16-18 May 2025 - Dart Music Festival - Dartmouth
Mostly free, largely outdoor, many types of music www.dartmusicfestival.co.uk.

17/18 May 2025 - Plymouth Pirates Weekend
Google for details

6-8 June 2025 - Craft Festival - Bovey Tracey
See Bovey Tracey event details www.craftfestival.co.uk.

20-22 June 2025 - Teignmouth Folk Festival
www.teignmouthfolk.co.uk, www.facebook.com/groups/310668965649749

6 July 2025 - Moreton Music Day - Moretonhampstead
Day of music  www.facebook.com/MoretonMusicDay

19-21 July 2024 - Exmouth Festival
Multi-genre (free) festival www.exmouthfestival.co.uk

1-8 August 2025 - Sidmouth Folk Festival

2-6 August 2025 - Sidmouth Fringe Sessions

8-10 August 2025 - Dartmoor Folk Festival - South Zeal nr Okehampton
Always the weekend after Sidmouth www.dartmoorfolkfestival.org.uk

15-17 August 2025 - Beautiful Days - Escot Park nr Exeter
21st Anniversary Festival www.beautifuldays.org

21-25 August 2025 - Cornwall Folk Festival - Wadebridge

23-26 August 2024 - Lyme Folk Weekend - Lyme Regis

8-10 September 2023 - Teign Maritime & Shanty Festival - Teignmouth
No festival in 2025; future festivals are also in doubt www.teignshantyfestival.co.uk

13-27 September 2025 - St Ives September Festival
Major multi-genre festival www.stivesseptemberfestival.co.uk

4-6 October 2024 - Salcombe Live Festival

Other festival listings

fROOTS/Spiral Earth - Comprehensive listing of all festivals in Britain

UK Folk Festivals
Site listing all UK folk festivals www.ukfolkfestivals.co.uk


Miscellaneous, requested and 'other music' links

Concertinas UK www.concertinas-uk.co.uk The home of free reed instrument repairs and concertina sales. Nigel and Sarah Sture. Based in the South Hams.
Plymouth Classical Music Concert Diary Comprehensive month-by-month listings of all types of classical music in and around Plymouth. Also includes some Jazz and Folk
Plymouth Music Accord Registered Charity promoting the appreciation and performance of music in the Plymouth area. Members include local orchestras, bands, choirs, opera groups, etc. and many promoters and venues
Nettlebed Folk Club Award-winning folk club near Henley in Oxfordshire
