Harberton 1887Jubilee Reminiscences

by Major Trist, of Tristford, 1887

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Reminiscences, p.3; Tribute, p.51; Totnes Times, p.54; Song, p.56; Box & Cox, p.64 

Page 3

21st JUNE,1887.

To celebrate the Jubilee
Of their Most Gracious Queen,
Th' inhabitants of Harberton
Assembled on the Green-
'Twas in a field, most kindly lent
By a most loyal man-
And to record what there took place
I'll do the best I can !
The name of this most loyal man
Who kindly lent the field,
Was "Thomas Cleave," and he to none
In loyalty would yield !

Page 4

Sundry Committees soon were form'd
To see all things went right-
One for "The Field"-one for "The Sports"-
And one-the chief delight-
Was for "The Dinner"-Oh dear me !
I've made a great mistake !
I should have put "The Ladies" first,
For they were wide awake,
And promis'd to take care of that
We all much joy to see-
Our children happy-and well fill'd
With cake, and nice sweet tea !
The names of these "Fair Ladies," I'll
Endeavour to set down-
And then will give "The Gentlemen"
Of Harberton renown-

Page 5

For "One and All" work'd heartily !
And "One and All" did well-
So should their names be handed
Our records grand to swell !
For Harberton has ever prov'd
Right loyal to its Queen,
And never fail'd to show its love
When wanted to be seen !
And grant it ever, ever may
Most loyal be-and true
To God above-to Church and Throne-
Then, naught 'twill have to rue !
Now for "The Ladies !"-Let me see !
I must their names enrol,
So will begin with "Mistress Cleave,"-
Then shall come "Mistress Foale," (of Leigh)-

Page 6

And then our worthy Vicar's wife
"Mistress Bartholomew"-
"Mistresses Creedy-Searle-and Ford"-
"Mistress A. Tucker " too-
"Mistresses Butland and Goodall"
"Miss Watson (Leigh) and Miss Paige"-
"Miss Susan Paige and Mistress Trist"-
(I'm getting in a rage !
For "Ladies" are a puzzle great,
To deal with any way-
And when their names I've got to rhyme,
I scarce know what to say !)
"Miss Laura Paige" most active was !
To see her was a treat !
Without her aid "The President"
Would have had naught to eat !

Page 7

She was most kind and thoughtful too !
She kept his plate suppli'd !
I know, he very grateful felt,
And on her he reli'd !
"Miss H. Bartholomew" comes next-
Then the two "Misses Trist"-
"Miss Blackler (M.C.) and Miss Varder" are
I see too on my list-
"Mistresses Lamble"-"John Parnell"-
And "Mistress Philip Browne"-
Here let me count-for I must see
How many I've put down-
Oh, such a lot ! I've counted them !
Find I've more than a score ! (21.)
So must go on, for I have got
Quite half as many more-

Page 8

And as I wish not to omit
One single "Lady Fair,"
I must be careful, or they'll say
I am a great rude Bear !
"Miss Granville" and "Miss Tucker" are
Amongst the names I see-
"Miss Ryder" too-"Miss Adams"-and
The charming Miss "Maypee"-
"Mistress Langdon"-, "Mistress Widdicombe"-
"Miss Fulford"-"Miss Jane Foale"-
"Mistresses Edmonds"-"Whiteaway (W)"-
Make up the charming whole-
I've finish'd now, the list that's giv'n
Of all "The Ladies Fair"-
Tho' well I know it's not complete
For many more were there-

Page 9

But I, not knowing who, can not
Of course, their names record-
I'm sorry, for to do so would
Much pleasure me afford !
"The Ladies" settled with, I must
"The Gentlemen" insert-
That is, those who took the chief part
In giving things a spurt-
"The Vicar of the Parish," was
Unable to attend-
He was unwell-all he could do
Was, his "good wishes" send-
It was indeed a pity great
That on this joyous day
He-of all others-should have been
Compell'd to stay away-

Page 10

It was a cause of great regret
To all assembled there-
All felt-and wish'd-most heartily
He, could our pleasure share-
"Assistant Curate Mitchell" must
Come first, at any rate-
For at all loyal gatherings
"The Church" precedes "The State !"
The Rev'rend Gentleman did well-
Pray'd for-and preach'd to-all-
The Church was fill'd-the Bells rang out-
Most, answer'd to their call-
"The President"-one "Major Trist"-
(A Youth, of sixty-five !)
Did what he could-his little-best-
To keep the game alive !

Page 11

He was assisted nobly by
A band of loyal men-
No better could that day be found
Throughout the land, I ken !-
They work'd by night-they work'd by day-
So, to secure success,
For Har-ber-to-ni-ans ne'er fail
Their love thus to express !
The list of names that I got
Was given at the time,
And I must pick them from it
As I find they suit my rhyme-
"The Messieurs Knapman, J. and C."-
"French"-"Warren"-"Cleave" and "Dunn"-
"The Messieurs Blackler, E. and G."-
"Fairweather (S.)"-"Widdicombe"-

Page 12

"John Wyatt"-and "Tom Andrews" too-
"A. Tucker "-and "Parnell" (J.)-
With "Whiteaway" (W.)-and "Philip Browne"-
"A. Chapman"-and "Lamble" (Jacob)-
Then William Langdon"-did his best-
And so did "William Moore"-
Where am I ! Let me count again !
I've spotted just a score (20),
And must a few more add-they are
Names I can not resist-
The names of two good sons of mine-
"Browse and Pendarves Trist"-
I'm proud to say their loyalty
Is sure for e'er to shine !
If they turn'd Traitors, loud I'd cry
"Go ! You're no sons of mine !"

Page 13

"I know you not ! I own you not !"
"You both were chang'd at birth !"
"You can't be mine ! Mine would be the"
"Most loyal sons on earth !"
Then "Mister Stephen Varder" will
Help much my list to swell-
Concluding with "John Lillicrap"
Two Tuckers (W. and S.)-and Holwell-
The Messieurs "Skedgell"-"Searle"- and "White"-
Are not down in my list-
I mean the printed list I have
Of those who did assist
In the grand work we carri'd out-
And so I think it right
To name them-that they were left out
Was thro' some oversight-

Page 14

I must then introduce them all
And say-that like the rest-
To make all things go cheerily
They did their very best !
These are the "loyal Gentlemen,"
Who did most of the work-
Tho' help'd by many willing hands,
For none wish'd work to shirk-
I now must try to state th' events
That on this day occurr'd-
At early morn a joyous peal
On the Church bells was heard,
Reminding all, that on this day
Our much beloved Queen
Attain'd Her, fiftieth year of reign-
A reign-Grand and (fairly) serene ! -

Page 15

At fifteen minutes past elev'n
The Church was open thrown
To welcome all, who grateful felt
For mercies to them shown-
A "Special Service of Thanksgiving"
Was held on this bright day-
Thanksgiving to Almighty God-
(Our much lov'd Monarch's stay !)
For that He had permitted Her
This joyous day to see !
This day ! the last of fifty years !
Her glorious Jubilee !-
To pray, He would in mercy grant
Her many years of life
To reign o'er us-and that they might
Be free from care and strife !

Page 16

On entering our Grand old Church,
The people welcom'd were
By that which stirs all loyal hearts
Here-there-and ev'rywhere !
"God save the Queen " was nobly play'd !
The Organist (Mr Hamlyn) was grand,
In loudly pealing forth, with skill,
The Anthem of our land !
The "Special Service" then commenc'd-
'Twas open'd with a Lay
Compos'd by a Parishioner (Major Trist)
In honor of the day !
And proud he felt at hearing all
Join in the joyful song !
"The Choir" nobly did their parts
Sang out both sweet and strong !-

Page 17

The Service o'er-th' inhabitants
Of Harberton, soon form'd
A Grand Pro ession-old and young
Together, freely swarm'd-
Walk'd two and two-were headed by
A Brass Band from Torquay
In uniform- they look'd most grand,
And play'd right merrily !
Then follow'd-'twas a pretty sight ! -
The children of the place-
That is, the Children of our schools-
To watch each little face
Beaming with happiness and joy
Was pleasure great to see !
They thinking were-I have no doubt
About the Cake and Tea !

Page 18

They carri'd in their little hands,
Of banners, a great store-
"The Royal Arms"-" The Union Jack"-
And many, many more
Of sorts and colours-'twas a sweet,
And loyal thing to do !
"The British Ensigns" num'rous were-
"The Red"-"The White"-"The Blue !"-
When "The Procession Grand" march'd off
The Children sweetly sang
The Major's Lay-and thro' the air
Their voices sweetly rang-
"All hail ! All hail Victoria !"
"Our much lov'd Empress-Queen !"
"All hail ! All hail Victoria !"
"The best the world has seen !-

Page 19

These loyal words of welcome warm
Were echo'd by the crowd,
As marching thro' the Village, they
Look'd truly grand and proud !
When the dear Children ceas'd to sing
The Band began to play-
"God Save the Queen" was their first tune,
Best suited to the day-
Arches-the most magnificent !-
Had been most kindly rais'd
By many willing hearts and hands,
And were most highly prais'd !-
The Arches, splendid Mottoes bore-
The one on the Church Gate,
Gave token of respect and love,
Most pleasing to relate-

Page 20

"God bless our worthy Vicar, and"
"His Family" it said-
Valu'd it must have been by them-
By ev'ry one was read !-
"The Hall" nam'd "Constitutional,"
Its Arch and Motto had-
The latter show'd regard for some
Well-not altogether bad !
"God bless the Tristford Family,"
(As if, they'd blessings earn'd !)
'Twas read-and felt-with gratitude,
By those it most concern'd !-
There were sev'ral other Mottoes
Distributed about,
On arches that well spann'd the road,
And these caus'd many a shout,

Page 21

For "One and All"-"God Save the Queen"-
"Our joyful Jubilee"-
With "God bless all"--and "Live and Learn"-
Were shouted out with glee,
As under them we march'd along
To reach " The Dinner Field"-
The "Plain Field" it is call'd by all,
Tho' why, is not reveal'd-
I here must say the Arches were
Embellish'd well with Flags-
The flags of dear Old England, which
In loyalty ne'er lags !
"The flag that's brav'd a thousand years,"
"The Battle, and The Breeze,"
And which no Foreigner-Please God !-
Shall ever, ever seize !

Page 22

For in the hands of England's Sons
It's ever safe to be
They'll fight for it-they'll die for it-
'Fore shame their flag shall see !
"The Field" was reach'd-approaching it
The Band play'd a Grand March-
The entrance Gate was nobly span'd
By a triumphal Arch-
As under it we proudly pass'd
The Motto-"Welcome all"
Saluted us-'twas plac'd on high
That all might see the call !
This noble Arch, surmounted was
By many an emblem bright-
Emblems of loyalty and love
For Her, who rules with might !

Page 23

"The Royal Standard"-as of course-
Did in the centre float-
Supported by "The Union Jack"-
And other flags of note !
'Twas altogether a grand sight !
Show'd much artistic skill !
And prov'd what loyal hearts could do
When working with good will !
At length the "Grand Procession," wound
Its way beneath it-Loud
Were th' exclamations of delight
From all-we felt so proud !
The field before us was a sight
To cheer a loyal heart !
A "Spacious Dinner Tent" in front
Look'd very fine and smart !

Page 24

For flags by dozens floated on
The top, and all around-
The clay was clear-it showd them off-
Bright colours did abound !
By "Mister Varder " and his men
It had erected been-
'Twas done with will-'twas done with skill-
No better could be seen !-
The decorative part was left
For "Ladies Fair" to do-
Outside and in, the Mottoes were
Sweet, and artistic too !
For "Mistress Foale" and "Sister Fair"-
"Miss Watson"-both of Leigh-
Most kindly made the whole of them-
They did us good to see !-

Page 25

I should have said our Noble Church
Embellish'd was by them -(the two "Fair Ladies")
Each Text and Motto that they made
Was in itself a gem !
These "Ladies Fair" " have hearts well stor'd
With love and loyalty -
And know the meaning of the phrase
"Best gift is Charity !"-
The outside Mottoes number'd two (2)-
Were large-took up much space-
Appropriate they truly were
Both to the and place-
"We will all pull together" was
One noble sentiment !
And one and all together pull'd
On this most grand event-

Page 26

"Her sons and daughters, Harberton"
"Welcomes"-this cheery sound
Was oft' repeated, and was felt,
By those who stood around-
Inside the Tent, three tables long
Were cover'd with good meat-
"Roast Beef"-"Boil'd Beef"--"Roast Pork" and "Pies"
Made of Beef steak-A treat
A jolly English Pie e'er is !
A jolly thing to see !
But far more jolly 'tis to eat !
In this all will agree !
"Roast Mutton"-"Boil'd"-and "Plum Pudding"-
Made up the bounteous store
Of good things plac'd upon' the boards-
And what could we want more !

Page 27

Of course, the whole was well wash'd down
With endless jugs of Beer
Which freely flow'd, and doubtless did
The hearts of many cheer !
The Walls of this most noble Tent
A lot of Mottoes bore,
Made by those good, kind, "Ladies Fair"
Alluded to before-
"The President" sat at the head-
The Motto o'er him plac'd
"May our lov'd Queen enjoy long life"
Most cleverly was trac'd !-
"Heaven's choicest gifts attend the Prince"
"Of Wales"-was very plain-
"God bless our land with plenty" and
All "Harmony maintain,"

Page 28

With "Truest, richest blessings on"
"The Royal Family !"
"God bless the Homes of England" came
In most appropriately !
"Union is Strength " another was-
Grand in our strength-and true-
United we'll defy our foes
To split our Realm in two !
The unity of loyal hearts
Is England's greatest strength !
And loyal hearts abound-Thank God !
Throughout its breadth and length !
These loyal texts applauded were-
"The Makers " of them prais'd-
Well they deserv'd all that was giv'n !
The feelings by them rais'd

Page 29

Within our hearts, were loyalty-
And love for " England's Queen !"
Good will and friendship
-each for each-
Abounded on "The Green !"
These were the feelings that were rais'd,
and govern'd every act

Throughout the day-and proud I feel
To state this joyous fact !
Some hundreds at the tables were
Soon seated-and began,
T' attack the good things, 'fore them plac'd-
That satisfaction ran
Through one and all, was evident-
Their happy faces told
They meant to do full justice to
All-whether hot or cold !

Page 30

The Dinner o'er-"The President"
Propos'd each loyal toast-
"The Queen"-"The Prince ofWales"-" His Wife"-
And "All the Royal Host"-
Receiv'd and answer'd were all these
With loud and ringing cheers,
And heartfelt wishes for their weal-
Their health-and length of years !-
With "honours musical" they were
Well honour'd-and the Band
Play'd after each a loyal air-
We did-of course-up stand !
Then came "The Church"-"Our Bishop"-one
Worthy the "Sacred Call !"
A true "Right Reverend" is he,
And much belov'd by all !

Page 31

Next-"The Clergy" and "The Ministers"
"Of each Denomination"-
Those who for loyalty, and love,
Deserve consideration-
"The Army" and "The Navy" were
Receiv'd with hearty cheers,
As were the old "Militia" and
"The gallant Volunteers !"
"The President"-"The Ladies"-and
"All who had work'd so well"
"To make us feel so happy, and"
"Our hearts with friendship swell !"
The final Toast- "Our jolly selves"-
A wise and good suggestion !-
We almost burst ourselves with cheers !
'Twas good for our digestion !

Page 32

For sure we were a jolly lot !
And second felt to none
In loyalty-in mirth and glee-
And in all that was done !-
Well ! when we'd finish'd all we could
With comfort eat and drink,
"The sports" began-A poser these !
I really do not think
'Tis possible to get them in,
Their number is so great-
What they all were-and who took part-
'Twould puzzle me to state-
One race-the great race.of the day-
Call'd "The Grand Jubilee"
Was won by "William Rogers" who
Ran it most pluckily,

Page 33

As did all, who competed with
Him, in the gallant run-
And when he reach'd the goal, all cried
Well done-Old Chap-Well done !"-
He won a Sov'reign-and a Bust-
Bust of Her Majesty !
Its sight, will e'er bring to his mind
His splendid Victory !
There were very many races ran
By men-and children too-
The latter gave "The President"
Some little work to do-
He form'd them up-He started them-
And then he prizes gave
To those who won them-little dears !
They were so good, and brave !

Page 34

Prizes-of course-were giv'n to all
Who fairly reach'd the goal-
To those who ran-who jump'd in sacks-
And climb'd the greasy pole !
"Tom Mugridge" was the lucky man
Who did in this succeed-
A "Leg of Mutton" was the prize
Gain'd by this slipp'ry deed !
"The donkey race"-" The threelegg'd race"-
And then "The tug of War"-
Gave much amusement to us all,
And so, were popular !
The prizes altogether giv'n
Came up to many pounds-
Three for each race-First-second-third-
Most liberal it sounds !

Page 35

And liberal it was, no doubt !
But then it was great fun !
And all "The Racers" well deserv'd
The prizes that they won !
The Sports began at half past two (2. 30 p.m.)
Went on 'till nearly five (5 p.m.)
Then we all flock'd into the Tent,
Like Bees into a Hive-
For all the tables loaded were
With Sugar- Cake-and Tea-
That we were ready for it, was
Prov'd most undoubtedly !
"The Ladies" came out very strong !
The Tea-pots num'rous were,
And they (the Ladies) presided over these,
And of us took good care !

Page 36

We thoroughly enjoy'd our tea,
And nothing I can say-
No words in the whole catalogue
Of words will half convey
To them (the Ladies) the gratitude we felt,
For all the kindness shown
By them, to us-and children dear !
I love to make it known,
For they're (the Ladies) the cream of ev'rything
Where ever they appear !
Their presence added sweetness to
The Cups they gave to cheer !
"The Cup, that not inebriates"
"But cheers" the very heart,
When sweeten'd by "The Ladies" smiles,
Can have no counter part !

Page 37

Well ! when the tea was finish'd with
The sports again were seen-
When they were finish'd-then began
The dance upon the Green-
Right merrily the Band play'd up-
Right well the Dancers danc'd-
Went up and down-and in and out-
Like wild young Colts they pranc'd-
Around-about-they waltz'd-quadrill'd-
Did all that could be done
To happy make themselves-and us
Who watch'd the jolly fun !-
They kept the dancing up 'till dusk,
And then all of us went
To a fine field at Coppithorne
(By "Mister Knapman" lent)-

Page 38

Where a most monstrous bonfire
Had been, by kind hands, built,
And over which, both tar and oil
Had been most freely spilt-
We reach'd the field-stood round the Pile-
The torch was then appli'd,
And up the flames went wondrous high !
The Pile was well suppli'd
With tar barrels and faggots fine-
A grand one to be sure !
A grander-finer bon-fire
Had ne'er been seen before !
All danc'd around, and then we sang
"God bless our Gracious Queen"-
Then gave three cheers-and danc'd again-
And then there came between

Page 39

The dances-one more loyal song
"God bless the Prince of Wales"-
More cheers were giv'n-for "Harberton"
In loyalty ne'er fails-
The dancers now were out of breath,
And stopp'd to take a view
Around them-and to count the fires
(I think 'bout thirty-two (32)-
We could see from our vantage post !
It was a splendid sight !
One that must e'er remember'd be
By all-who on that night
Witness'd it ! for it was most grand,
And we felt very proud
For our bon-fire seemed the best
of all
, that bright night show'd !-

Page 40

We stay'd there 'till near half-past ten (10-30)
Then went back to "The Field,"
Where a display of fire-works
Was soon to be reveal'd-
We got there-kind friends undertook
To let the Wonders off-
Well they succeeded ! Sure am I
That no one there could scoff
At what they saw-for they were grand,
And beautiful to see !
Brought to a close a happy day !
A day of jollity !-
I am not quite correct in this-
They were not quite the close-
For after they were all burnt out
Our voices loud arose-

Page 41

We sang right loyally and well
"God bless our Gracious Queen !"
This was the last thing done and said
That night upon "The Green !"
"God save the Queen " began the day
Play'd on the organ grand !
"God bless the Queen " rang out aloud
Assisted by "The Band " !-
This was the last thing done-I've said-
And then we all dispers'd
Happy and joyous to our Homes !
Since-oft' times have rehears'd
To other friends, how happy we
Were on this joyous day,
And here-with my best wishes-hopes-
For all-I'll end my Lay !

Page 42

But stop a bit ! I think I ought
As "President" to speak
A word or two in praise of all-
For mind you-I'm "A Beak !"-
I watch'd the whole proceedings
From the first, unto the last-
Watch'd with the greatest interest,
And now the pleasure's past,
Can say with confidence, that I
Had never seen before
So many hundreds meet and part,
With nothing to deplore !
No quarrelling-no drunkenness-
Disgrac'd the happy throng !
No single thing occurr'd that could
Be call'd by any, wrong

Page 43

Of "Har-ber-to-ni-ans" I feel-
I feel immensely proud !
I feel I'd trust them anywhere-
Aye ! e'en in any crowd
For that, they would conduct themselves
As men proud of their Place-
And that on dear old "Harberton"
They'd never bring disgrace !
But stop again ! I've one thing more
To which I must allude,
Tho' on the patience of my friends
I care not to intrude,
But this I really can't leave out-
'Tis of an "Ancient Man !"
A good, and grand old man, is he,
"A Har-ber-to-ni-an !"

Page 44

He came on the "Plain Field" this day-
Was brought there in his Trap-
Was suff'ring from an old complaint-
Old age-not a mishap-
His years-all told-were eighty-two (82)-
Quite young for " Harberton !"
There-'twas not very long ago-
Some Nineties on us shone !
One ninety-four-one ninety-six-
And one was ninety-sev'n !
They're gone-but we much hope, that they
Look down on us from Heav'n !-
'Tis of "Mister William Soper,"
I'm going now to talk-
He is a very bright old man,
Tho' he can't briskly walk-

Page 45

I went to him-shook hands with him-
And this he told to me-
"I'm here to-day-for here I was
"On George's jubilee !
"Few-few there are left anywhere
Who still to this life cling
Can say what I can-I was here
"When "George the Third" was king !
"And His "Grand Jubilee," was kept
"Up in this very place !
"I could not stay away-thought I
"At least must show my face
"Where I, when quite a child, was brought
"That splendid sight to see !
"And now another I behold-
"Our good "Queen's Jubilee !"-

Page 46

This little tale affected me-
I look'd on him with pride-
Respected him for his old age,
And ev'rything beside !
He is a Har-ber-to-ni-an !
Let me my good will show !
May he live on for many years,
And no more trouble know !
But stop once more ! I've something else
Of int'rest to record
You must have patience with me please !
I really can't afford
To let it slip-and when you read
What I am going to write,
You'll say I'm sure, I should be wrong
Did I not it indite !-

Page 47

'Tis of another friend of ours-
One of old "Harberton !"
A man we all regard-and look
With much respect upon !
'Tis of "Mister Stephen Varder"
I have a word to say-
He help'd to ring a loyal peal
On "Coronation day"-
The day, on which our much lov'd Queen
Was crown'd in London Town !
'Twas well nigh fifty years ago
This loyalty was shown !
And now-on this Her Jubilee-
To prove he felt the same
He went-and helped to ring again !
'Twill give him endless fame
For loyalty-and love-and all
That loyal subjects feel

Page 48

For Her who reigns !-These feelings we
Ne'er can or will conceal !
I shall ask him to honour me-
Shall ask him to accept
A copy of this Ode of mine,
Which will-I hope-be kept !
To his Descendants handed down
To show them all-that he
Was good and true-and that he hop'd
They would as loyal be !
I hope it will be handed down
Aye ! handed down by all
Who honour me by taking one !
'Twill prove to great and small
How loyal, we of Harberton
Have ever-ever been

Page 49

And I'll conclude with this grand pray'r,
"God bless ! God save ! our Queen ! ! !-
Amen !-

Reminiscences, p.3; Tribute, p.51; Totnes Times, p.54; Song, p.56; Box & Cox, p.64

Page 51





20th JUNE 1887,

From one of Her most loyal subjects.

Page 52

All hail to thee, VICTORIA,
Our much lov'd EMPRESS-QUEEN !
Thou art the best that ever reign'd !
The best the world hath seen !

This day completes thy JUBILEE !
Thy subjects-far and near-
Unite in showing thee the love
They feel for One so dear !

All hail-all hail-VICTORIA !
GOD'S blessing on thee rest !
That HE may guide thee, and protect,
We earnestly obtest !

Page 53

Long may'st thou live-long may'st though reign
O'er us-whose hearts are true !
May Traitors all confounded be !
Their treason made to rue !

For thou, "THE, LORD'S ANOINTED" art !
HIS vengeance, HE will bring
To bear on those who "FEAR HIM" not,
And "HONOUR" not " THE KING" !

All good-all true-all loyal hearts
This day, with one voice, cry

TRISTFORD, D.L and J.P. for Cornwall
SOUTH DEVON And J.P. for Devon

Reminiscences, p.3; Tribute, p.51; Totnes Times, p.54; Song, p.56; Box & Cox, p.64

Page 54

In reference to the jubilee Poem the following paragraphs are taken from the Totnes Times of the 18th June, 1887:-
"MAJOR TRIST has been much gratified at receiving a letter from the Right Honourable Sir Henry Ponsonby, G.C.B., written by command of the Queen, notifying Her Majesty's gracious acceptance of, and thanks for, the Ode, he (Major Trist) composed in honour of Her Majesty's Jubilee Day. The Ode was beautifully printed in letters of gold on white satin, bordered with a rich gold cord and fringe, and placed in a box of polished British oak, lined with Royal blue silk, in the centre of the cover of which, was the Royal Arms, in solid sterling silver, most beautifully engraved. In reference to the presentation Poem, Major Trist writes-'It was all prepared for the Queen's acceptance', through the kindness and instrumentality of the Messrs Mortimer Brothers, proprietors of the Totnes Times and Western Guardian, and forwarded to Buckingham Palace, direct from their offices, Fore Street, Totnes.

Page 55

"MAJOR TRIST'S JUBILEE POEM seems to receive general favour as an appropriate and loyal greeting, and is likely to be sung far and wide on the eventful day. Not only at home, but also abroad, even in Portugal, and in the Islands of Barbadoes and St. Vincent in the West Indies. The churches in the immediate locality in which the hymn will be sung include Harberton, Harbertonford, Littlehempstone, Dean Prior, Rattery, Churston Ferrers, Shaldon, Brixham, Broadhempston, and Totnes Board School, and by the inmates of the Totnes Workhouse. It will also be sung at Veryan, Kenwyn, Ladock, St. Austell, Lerryn, Lostwithiel, and Baldhue in Cornwall in Warwickshire, and in other places.

Reminiscences, p.3; Tribute, p.51; Totnes Times, p.54; Song, p.56; Box & Cox, p.64

Page 56











24th MAY, 1887

Page 57


We will sing you my friends
a nice jubilee Song-
It shall not be too short
it shall not be too long-
Shall be just long enough
to make you wish for more-
Then if you clap your hands
and cry loudly encore,
I'll sing, on, 'till you sing out,
"Oh, ain't she a bore !"

This day is the birthday
of our much loved Queen,
And she sixty-eight years
of this world's life has seen-
May she see many more !
and may she happy be
In the love of her subjects,
loyal and free !
When God pleases to take her,
may she Heaven see !

Page 58

This grand stage you must know
is a permanent thing-
We mean oft' here to act-
we mean oft' here to sing-
We will do our utmost
to please and amuse-
If we fail to do this
pray do not us abuse-
We will hope that all faults
You will kindly excuse.

A good jubilee holiday
we will embrace-
It is well-known that Harberion's
a jolly place-
Its people are loyal,
and all traitors despise-
They won't listen to humbug,
to gammon, and lies,
For they're sensible people,
so are far too wise.

Page 59

You know it is the year
of the Queen's Jubilee,
And God bless her !
we wish, that it joyous may !
And if in this most glorious
Jubilee Year,
She would like some superior
singing to hear,
She had best come to Harberton,
and her heart cheer !

Let her come to this grand
Constitutional Hall !
She'd be safe to receive
a warm welcome from all-
And when she got back
you may feel very sure,
She would tell all her friends,
and a great many more-
She'd ne'er seen such a nice
lot of people before,

Page 60

And quite right she would be,
for we are a nice lot-
And if any dispute it
we'll give it them hot.
To our Church, Queen and Country
we're loyal and true !
We stick well to our colours
the "Grand Royal blue !"
And we're second to none sure
I think so ! Don't you ?

And we fully intend
on June the twenty-first,
To show we will with love
and with loyalty burst-
We will let off the steam
in a field handy by,
To make ev'ry one happy
we'll one and all try
And we'll do it-by jingo !
It's not all my eye,

Page 61

For we'll have a good dinner
on Jubilee day-
With good beef, and good beer,
we'll our appetites stay-
And some jolly good sports
will come jolly between
This-the good tea-good cake-
and good dance on the green-
And we'll end a good day
with "God bless our good Queen !"

This grand stage was erected
by one Philip Browne-
He's a man of great talent
a man of renown-
What we should do without him,
tell, nobody can !
He's a one-er to do,
and a one-er to plan-
And he's all this, because
he's a Harberton man !

Page 62

And that is quite enough
to show he must be good !
Good all round ! but of course
that's a thing understood !
For a Harberton man
don't you know-as a rule-
Must be a good fellow,
he can not be a fool,
For he keeps his heart warm,
whilst he keeps his head cool !

You've all heard the saying,
'tis a very old one-
"He's a Jack of all trades
but he's Master of none !"
Our good friend Philip Browne
Within this does not fall-
He's e'er ready and willing
to answer a call,
And he's not only Jack,
but he's Master of all !

Page 63

This fine stage will be paid for
by one Major Trist-
He's a rum one to look at,
and close in the fist-
But as it is the year
of the Queen's Jubilee,
He will not mind a shilling
or two-do you see !
To show his love for you,
and his great loyaltee !


Reminiscences, p.3; Tribute, p.51; Totnes Times, p.54; Song, p.56; Box & Cox, p.64

Page 64




Composed by MAJOR TRIST, and recited by him
Harberton, on the night of the
22nd June, 1887.

Mrs. Bouncer… Miss Tryphena Trist.
Cox……………Colonel Elliott, C.B.
Box……………H. Browse Trist.

Page 65

I'm speaking for the Manager, Pendarves Trist-
To what I say, I humbly pray you list-
I'm standing now, the jolly boards upon,
The "Royal Theatre" of Harberton.


I should call it "The Theatre Royal," but if I put
it that way, I could not get it properly to fit my rhyme so I
must put the cart before the horse and say-

As "Royal Theatre" it here must stand-
I hold its license now within my hand-
And in this license, it is rightly nam'd-
Soon, without leave or license, 'twill be fam'd.


And how could it possibly become other, seeing that
it is in, and belongs to Harberton.

Page 66

"What e'er's worth doing, is worth doing well,"
So says the proverb-and I scarce need tell
My friends of Harberton, that what they do
Is e'er done well, and very nicely too !

I am not boasting ! Am I ? Oh dear no !
I simply want the world at large to know,
That Harber-to-ne-ans think themselves grand,
And won't say "die" to any in the land !


"Never say die whilst there is a shot in the
locker." This is a very old saying. And if the Theatre
Royal of Harberton goes on putting as many shots into
its locker in the shape of pounds, shillings, and pence as
it seems to have done to-night, I don't think there will
be any fear of it's saying "die" for a long time.

Page 67

This is, you know, my friends, our op'ning night-
Open your eyes, and you shall see a sight !
Open your ears, and you shall quickly hear,
Something most funny, your warm hearts to cheer !

I'll introduce to you, three friends of mine-
Such awful guys ! still two I think will shine,
In representing to you "Cox and Box,"-
A jolly, screaming farce is "Box and Cox !"

And Mistress Bouncer too ! so sweet and fair !
I must say this, or else I would not dare
To face her ugly face, and loud long tongue-
Did I not flatter her, I'd best be hung.

Page 68

She keeps a lodging house, and lets one room
To Box and Cox-for both a hapless doom !
Cox takes the room by night, and Box by day,
So, they don't come in one another's way.

Cox knows not Box, and Box he knows not Cox,
But Mistress Bouncer fears they'll come to knocks
If they should meet-so does the best she can
To please and humbug each unhappy man.

They meet at last-the rest I'll let them tell-
And if you think they tell their story well,
Applaud them loudly with your hands and voice,
Show them you're pleas'd, and you'll their hearts rejoice !

Mortimer Bros.,
Times and Western Guardian Steam Printing Works,