Strange But True


Click links below for more details (and pictures).

The Chapple family  - three generations of one-eyed men, and a one-eyed horse!

Betty's Bomb - Harberton had a bomb scare at Easter 1997. Betty Baldwin was at the heart of things in her St Andrews Cottages home.

Trouble in the Glen - 1954 film. "a strange comedy" featuring Orson Wells (in a kilt) as the new laird who stirs up the locals. The movie is a mix of studio and location filming with some scenes filmed in Perthshire" - and Harberton! Director: Herbert Wilcox. Starring: Orson Welles, Margaret Lockwood, Forrest Tucker, Victor McLaglen, Eddie Byrne, Archie Duncan
The film is shown with some regularity on various TV channels and thanks to a former Harberton resident we now have a copy of the film on DVD. Contact us if you'd like to borrow the DVD.
So now we can fast forward all the irrelevant bits and just see some interesting colour movie shots of the village over 50 years ago. Watch out for the car driving off from the pub towards the churchyard gates, crossing the mountains and finishing up at Tristford Farm!

[6/10/14] Three photos associated with the filming found by Marion T, originating on
(one or two interesting comments to read on that page).

Here they are, two of the Church House Inn and one of Tristford Farm:
