Leatside Doctors' Surgery in Totnes - www.leatside.co.uk where when registered you can book appointments, request repeat prescriptions etc. online |
King Edward VI Community College in Totnes - www.kingedwardvi.devon.sch.uk |
South Hams District Council - www.southhams.gov.uk dealing with SHDC council matters, with a massive information content, even planning applications |
Ordnance Survey Maps Online - www.ordnancesurvey.co.uk Click here for other online mapping systems and aerial photography. |
Old Maps - https://maps.nls.uk/geo/explore/#zoom=17.0&lat=50.41477&lon=-3.72363&layers=178&b=1 Fascinating old mapping from the National Library of Scotland, with O.S. maps going back to 1873. This particular link takes to to the centre of Harberon in 1873 or thereabouts. |
Devon County Library and Information Services - www.devon.gov.uk/library/catalogue/cgi-bin/devon-cat.sh , including a database of community organisations in Devon and the full County library catalogue. You can even renew your book loans online. |
Puppetcraft - www.puppetcraft.co.uk one of the UK's foremost puppet theatres, based very close to Harberton |
Totnes Image Bank - www.totnesimagebank.org.uk A unique record of Totnes and the surrounding area in photographs dating from the 1870s. |
Heavens Above -
Do you like watching the night sky? Wondering what satellites you're
seeing? Try this brilliant website - especially look for the sometimes
spectacular "Iridium Flares" and the International Space Station
(ISS). Also: Lightning strikes: www.isleofwightweather.co.uk/live_storm_data.htm Ant Veal's Greatweather site (hundreds of weather links): www.greatweather.co.uk Aurora watch: http://services.swpc.noaa.gov/images/aurora-forecast-northern-hemisphere.png (an exceedingly rare event in S Devon, but you never know! This phenomenon has been seen in Harberton (see here) |
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Dartington Morris - http://www.dartingtonmorris.uk the oldest established Morris side in South Devon. |
Campaign for Real Ale (South Devon branch) - www.southdevoncamra.com |